Those pictures are perfection!! Man, Shari, I'm going to go insane when I get that disk. I'll be like those crime shows where the detective goes up into the attic and finds a million pictures plastered all over the wall and they finally have their suspect. Except I guess I'd be the suspect and I haven't really committed a crime and I'm not on TV. Ok, maybe not. I need to go back to bed but Isaac is bugging me:) Love you!!
Those pictures are perfection!! Man, Shari, I'm going to go insane when I get that disk. I'll be like those crime shows where the detective goes up into the attic and finds a million pictures plastered all over the wall and they finally have their suspect. Except I guess I'd be the suspect and I haven't really committed a crime and I'm not on TV. Ok, maybe not. I need to go back to bed but Isaac is bugging me:) Love you!!
How cute - cousins share a birthday? FUN!
Yup, they both share a birthday with their Great Grandma Hubbard!
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