Friday, November 21, 2008

Young and Free!

I happened upon this picture while going through storage. I thought I would post it for fun and for nostalgia. It was taken in Wassenaar (did I spell that right, Alyssa?) outside of ASH (American School of the Hague) where we were all in high school...13 years ago. From left to right is Erica Day, Sarah my sister, me, Katie also my sister, and Alyssa O'Bryant (Welsch). I've lost touch with Erica but what I do know of the rest of us is in the time this picture was taken until now we have born 15 children between the four of us. It feels like a lifetime ago. I would love to go back there now and take another picture by the same cracht (now I know I spelled that wrong but I remember how to say it). Well, farewell to The Hague and the 13 years between us. I will always hope to see you again! Tot zeens! (sp?)
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Hunters said...

I remember that picture so well. I LOVE Holland!! It's such a pretty place. Love, Jessie

Suz said...

Cute picture Shari! Enjoyed seeing Alyssa so young. Small World!coify

Alyssa said...

Shari, I just caught up on blogging and saw that picture. What a surpise!!!! Love it! Do miss those days too!! Thanks for sharing!

de Arrieta said...

Well crap! You still look as thin as you are now! My goodness girl, you have the genes! Beautimous I tell you.

My photo
