Wednesday, May 21, 2008


What I saw a whole lot of...

The Wetlands

Mendenhall Glacier

Goldbelt Mount Roberts Tramway

Downtown Juneau

Out to the End of The Road

Here are highlights from my trip to Juneau, Alaska. It is a wild and breathtaking place. Even with either the pouring rain or the constant drizzle, I saw what an amazing place it is. The few days I was there, Juneau saw record rainfall, which is saying a lot. Next time, I will have to remeber my raincoat and bring along a waterproof camera. There will be a next time and I can't wait to go back!


Hunters said...

GWOW! That's all I can say! Love, Jessie Lee

Fantastic Five said...

Gorgeous - I loved the road surrounded by trees and the .... okay they were all beautiful!! They make me want to snuggle under a warm blanket with some hot chocolate!! :)

karibates said...

Wow - Shari! These are beautiful! I'm still glad you're not moving there, though!

My photo
